Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vince Connealy, RN

He did it! My brilliant, talented, wonderful, amazing, smart husband did it! Vince completed his bachelor of science in nursing today and I couldn't be more proud of him. For the past three years Vince has put forth his blood, sweat, and tears into his school!

When we first met almost six years ago, Vince and I made small talk about our families and work. I remember Vince saying his job was just a job. Vince worked for ten years as a banker and never felt fulfilled. He was always looking for something more or a different job.

Right after we were married in 2007, Vince was on the job hunt for something better. He switched from a bank to a credit union but it did nothing for him. In fact, it was worse. As newlyweds, we decided (I decided) that he needed to find something different and go back to school. Life is too precious to spend it doing something you hate! After much prodding from and me and family, Vince started to think about switching careers, but what?

If you know Vince, he's very health conscious. Nursing seemed like the perfect fit. So for the last three years, Vince has been studying at JCCC and Research College of Nursing. What an experience it's been! He's had highs and lows, days where he wanted to quit but his didn't.

The hardest time was when our son, Sam came five weeks early. I don't know how he survived let alone studied and went to school on no sleep.

Again I couldn't have been more proud of him!

Vince, I can't wait to watch you walk across that stage! You are an amazing role model for our son and I love you very much!

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