Well it is here.
The day I have been dreading for almost five months.
The day I have been dreading for almost five months.
I go back to work tomorrow and have to leave my little Sam.
I'm going to try something new here and be positive. Will it help? Hopefully. Will I still cry? Most definitely.
I am so lucky to have spent as much time with Sam as I have. For the last twenty weeks, I have been living the dream. Most people only get eight weeks, twelve if their lucky.
Sam is also a healthy and happy little boy. I could not be more blessed.
I also know that Sam is going to be in great hands with our daycare provider (blessed again).
I also get to go to work and do a job that I love. I get to help children express themselves and be creative everyday. I love my students and the people I work with. I am truly blessed.
I have a wonderful support system in my husband, who tonight helped me get everything ready for my first day back and has assured me that he will help every night (blessed). I also have a wonderful family that loves me no matter who much I whine (blessed) . I have wonderful friends that are always there to listen (blessed).
I write this really for myself and for my poor coworkers, who will have to put up with me tomorrow. I am sorry. Just tell me to remember this post.
So tonight I go to bed a little sad but also feeling very blessed....